Is Jesus your Savior AND Lord?
Is Jesus your Savior AND Lord?
I’ve heard a quote that said, “Jesus will not be Lord at all, unless He is Lord of all.” How does that statement strike you? Initially, we may think that Jesus is pretty self-seeking or selfish. With that said, we have to remember who we are talking about. Jesus is not only our Savior and Redeemer, He is also Creator and King. I sometimes ask the church, “Have you made Jesus your Savior and your Lord?” It is a package deal. You don’t get one without the other. Many Christ-followers (Christians) simply want the guarantee of eternal life, but don’t want to give control over to Christ. Being a Christian means more than just having fire insurance from Hell (going to heaven not hell). Being a Christ-follower requires surrender and a complete change of allegiance from self to Jesus as Lord of your life. The greek word for Lord in the New Testament is Kurios and it is used over 700 times. Kurios means owner, master, or one who exercises authority over another. So, do you see that calling Jesus Lord, is a BIG DEAL. It means you acknowledge Jesus as the owner, master, and the one in charge. When I’m talking to children about Jesus being Lord, I sometimes use the word “boss.” When you make Jesus “boss” of your life, that means HE is the one who calls the shots and you follow HIS lead. As Lord, Jesus provides for your needs and directs your activities.
I’ve heard it said before that Jesus wants to be more than a guest in your home; He wants the title deed so that you belong completely to Him. With this in mind, consider the following:
If Jesus is your Lord, He should rest in the living room of your life. Jesus should feel comfortable in the recreation room, where you play and entertain yourself. Jesus should be invited into your dining room, where you eat and satisfy your appetite. He won’t be happy if you eat the garbage of this world. Would Jesus rest comfortably in the bedroom of your life? Do you have a besetting sin hidden in the basement? When you invite Jesus into your home, He doesn’t enter as a decoration or as a celebrity to give your home status. He doesn’t come as a vacation guest or as a friend who pops in on the weekends. Jesus comes to be the Lord of your house.
I believe the New Testament teaches Jesus as Savior AND Lord of our lives. Christ-followers sometimes try to divide these into different areas but they are connected and unseparable. When we allow sin to infiltrate our temples and our homes, then we start compartmentalizing our lives and only allow Jesus into certain areas of our lives. Therefore we are comfortable calling Jesus Savior but no longer calling Him Lord. But the Bible is clear, He is still Lord, whether we call him Lord or not (Philippians 2:9-11). Only when we confess our sins and re-surrender our lives to Christ, will Jesus take his rightful place on the thrones of our lives.
Jesus, I give every room in my house to You. Enter each room, cleanse it, and make it Your own. Afresh and Anew, I recognize you as Supreme Ruler and Master of my life. You are Lord. You call the shots and give me the grace to be obedient to you! Amen.
Loving on my Church Family in prayer! See you on Sunday!
Pastor Todd
I’ve heard a quote that said, “Jesus will not be Lord at all, unless He is Lord of all.” How does that statement strike you? Initially, we may think that Jesus is pretty self-seeking or selfish. With that said, we have to remember who we are talking about. Jesus is not only our Savior and Redeemer, He is also Creator and King. I sometimes ask the church, “Have you made Jesus your Savior and your Lord?” It is a package deal. You don’t get one without the other. Many Christ-followers (Christians) simply want the guarantee of eternal life, but don’t want to give control over to Christ. Being a Christian means more than just having fire insurance from Hell (going to heaven not hell). Being a Christ-follower requires surrender and a complete change of allegiance from self to Jesus as Lord of your life. The greek word for Lord in the New Testament is Kurios and it is used over 700 times. Kurios means owner, master, or one who exercises authority over another. So, do you see that calling Jesus Lord, is a BIG DEAL. It means you acknowledge Jesus as the owner, master, and the one in charge. When I’m talking to children about Jesus being Lord, I sometimes use the word “boss.” When you make Jesus “boss” of your life, that means HE is the one who calls the shots and you follow HIS lead. As Lord, Jesus provides for your needs and directs your activities.
I’ve heard it said before that Jesus wants to be more than a guest in your home; He wants the title deed so that you belong completely to Him. With this in mind, consider the following:
If Jesus is your Lord, He should rest in the living room of your life. Jesus should feel comfortable in the recreation room, where you play and entertain yourself. Jesus should be invited into your dining room, where you eat and satisfy your appetite. He won’t be happy if you eat the garbage of this world. Would Jesus rest comfortably in the bedroom of your life? Do you have a besetting sin hidden in the basement? When you invite Jesus into your home, He doesn’t enter as a decoration or as a celebrity to give your home status. He doesn’t come as a vacation guest or as a friend who pops in on the weekends. Jesus comes to be the Lord of your house.
I believe the New Testament teaches Jesus as Savior AND Lord of our lives. Christ-followers sometimes try to divide these into different areas but they are connected and unseparable. When we allow sin to infiltrate our temples and our homes, then we start compartmentalizing our lives and only allow Jesus into certain areas of our lives. Therefore we are comfortable calling Jesus Savior but no longer calling Him Lord. But the Bible is clear, He is still Lord, whether we call him Lord or not (Philippians 2:9-11). Only when we confess our sins and re-surrender our lives to Christ, will Jesus take his rightful place on the thrones of our lives.
Jesus, I give every room in my house to You. Enter each room, cleanse it, and make it Your own. Afresh and Anew, I recognize you as Supreme Ruler and Master of my life. You are Lord. You call the shots and give me the grace to be obedient to you! Amen.
Loving on my Church Family in prayer! See you on Sunday!
Pastor Todd
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