New Beginnings
Life is filled with starting and re-starting points. We call these New Beginnings. That is one reason that I like golf. I may not be the next PGA rising star, but I know that each hole is a new start or new beginning. It doesn't matter how much I messed the previous hole up. It doesn't matter whether I made par or double bogey. Even when you mess up in golf, you get a fresh start on the next hole. (Don't worry about the collective score right now). I love the scripture in Lamentations 3:22-23 that tells us that God's mercies are new every morning. Praise God for His faithfulness! Every morning is a New Beginning. When we close our eyes at the end of a long, hard, stressful day may we rest in the fact that tomorrow is a new day with new mercies from the Lord. Verse 24 adds the following, "The LORD is my portion," says my soul, "therefore I will hope in Him." When we call the LORD "our portion" we are saying that He is all that we need. We are acknowledging the fact that God is our source and sustenance. Therefore we will "hope in Him." We rise each morning to meet the ONE who is our PORTION and who is our HOPE. As we fast forward to the New Testament, we know the fulfillment of all these things (our PORTION and HOPE) rest in the person of Jesus Christ. So don't get bogged down in the drudgery and disappointment of each day. Remember that God has a new hole waiting on you tomorrow. This gives us a new chance to honor God with our time, talents, and treasure. Knowing these things by internalizing these scriptures helps our rest to be a little sweeter. Have a Jesus-filled day! Pastor Todd
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