Help, Hope and Healing
Help, Hope and Healing & MORE JESUS, LESS ME
Currently the downstairs area and upstairs classroom areas of our church building are being used as a headquarters for disaster relief around Lincoln County. We are blessed to be able to host these servants as we offer help, hope, and healing to our village home. I met When delivering some of the muffins to the middle school yesterday, (way to go church, we collected 600 muffins!) I met a teacher who said that First Baptist is shining bright for Jesus. Wow! God is good! May we continue to reflect God’s glory and be quick to point people to Christ.
Jesus said to his disciples in Mark 9:35…Whoever wants to be first must be last, and be servant of all. This attitude goes against what the world teaches us today. The world says to push your way up front, at all costs. The world teaches that it is all about what you want and what you think. The attitude of humility and putting others before oneself is seen in scripture and modeled by Jesus himself. Our attitude as Christians should be like Jesus “who did not come to serve but to serve and give his life as a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45). As we studied this past Sunday from John 3:30---MORE JESUS, LESS ME. I am grateful for the group of believers in our church and the ones outside of the church (our disaster relief responders), who have dedicated themselves to be the salt and light that Jesus has called us to be. God has provided many opportunities these past few weeks to love on families in Christ. We’ve had many ministry touches with hurting people and have seen several people trust Jesus for salvation. People are picking up the pieces of their lives and we are called to be the help, hope and healing of Christ to the world around us. Keep praying and serving so we can let our light shine for Jesus!
Pator Todd.
Currently the downstairs area and upstairs classroom areas of our church building are being used as a headquarters for disaster relief around Lincoln County. We are blessed to be able to host these servants as we offer help, hope, and healing to our village home. I met When delivering some of the muffins to the middle school yesterday, (way to go church, we collected 600 muffins!) I met a teacher who said that First Baptist is shining bright for Jesus. Wow! God is good! May we continue to reflect God’s glory and be quick to point people to Christ.
Jesus said to his disciples in Mark 9:35…Whoever wants to be first must be last, and be servant of all. This attitude goes against what the world teaches us today. The world says to push your way up front, at all costs. The world teaches that it is all about what you want and what you think. The attitude of humility and putting others before oneself is seen in scripture and modeled by Jesus himself. Our attitude as Christians should be like Jesus “who did not come to serve but to serve and give his life as a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45). As we studied this past Sunday from John 3:30---MORE JESUS, LESS ME. I am grateful for the group of believers in our church and the ones outside of the church (our disaster relief responders), who have dedicated themselves to be the salt and light that Jesus has called us to be. God has provided many opportunities these past few weeks to love on families in Christ. We’ve had many ministry touches with hurting people and have seen several people trust Jesus for salvation. People are picking up the pieces of their lives and we are called to be the help, hope and healing of Christ to the world around us. Keep praying and serving so we can let our light shine for Jesus!
Pator Todd.
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